electoral college

1253 days ago

The Real US election fraud, new data on media suppression of real news and what George Orwell did say

I am far from convinced that Donald Trump won enough real votes in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to swing the electoral college. US elections are always, to some extent, corrupt but right now I’d bet heavily on Joe Biden being the next President. However, there is a new poll out today which convinces me that an enormous fraud did take place and I will call as my first witness the late Mr George Orwell.


2426 days ago

So Democrats did cheat in the US election, Trump's claims were not fake news after all

Before the US election there were numerous reports of voter fraud almost all of which were linked back to the Democrat Party, the party of crooked Hillary Clinton. After polling day President Donald Trump said that there had been industrial scale voter fraud and that without it he would have won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. The liberal media said that this was just another case of POTUS lying and in reporting him as lying they served up their version of news. It will not surprise you that it can now be shown that the liberal media was itself serving up fake news.


2887 days ago

Is this the worst Trump & crooked Hillary reporting yet? BBC World News heads out West

I was lying in my hotel room in Greece a couple of weeks ago and tiring of dubbed films and piss poor Greek soccer matches made the mistake of flicking the handset to check out the biased BBC World News Channel as it promised a special report on the US Campaign. Oh goodie, goodie, a report on how Trump had that week surged ahead in the polls right? Er...

First up said the airhead presenter we go to Donald Trump's campaign and our reporter goes to somewhere where he has very few supporters at all. Hmmm Might that be Hollywood? Or the most hipsterish district in Brooklyn? Or perhaps Mitt Romney's Country Club? No. The BBC Reporter was in Mexico. This will surprise you greatly but in a town near to the border which the Donald wants to tighten the BBC managed to find a raft of folks who were happy to say that they were anti Trump. 

Shucks I guess The Donald is gutted. Just how many electoral college votes 
